Outlook.com, webmail who wants us to forget Gmail

One million new users in six hours. The First Steps of Outlook. Com, which will replace Hotmail, have been quite positive for Microsoft. With its new webmail, Microsoft turns a page and is betting on a more sober interface and integration of social networks. We were able to speak with Brian Hall, general manager for Windows Live in order to return to this launch.

why a new service of e-mail now?

think about it. When was the last major change in the market of electronic mail? The latest was Gmail, there are more than eight years.
What if Gmail was a very good webmail service in 2004, we no longer live in the same world. We now have a cloud of devices and applications around us, and we wanted to develop a product that works consistently throughout. Now, we also use social networks and we wanted to create an email that works immediately beginning with those which we use daily. We get more emails than before and we need to better classify them. Finally, respect for privacy is more important than ever and we made a priority.

This is a beta, a preview?

This is a preview for now, but even if its quality is already very good, we are still details to finalize before taking it out of this state. The most important thing is to get feedback from users: this is a brand new product, which has only a few days, and we are heeding their advice.
We also need to round some corners, improve some things, such as calendar and Skydrive to be updated in the coming months to the new user interface. Skype will also make its appearance soon.

How about a Gmail user to get him back to Outlook.com?

That's what I was told Gmail users who have tried Outlook: First, it is cleaner, prettier. They like the fact that it works well on a shelf. Then, Gmail has a social network that most of his friends users do not use. Google + is integrated with Gmail, but users are more on Facebook and Twitter. On our side, we integrate these networks in a very practical: your address book is always up to date, and it's nice to see pictures of his friends, their updates when you send them an email.
Regulars Gmail also appreciate the ease with which it is possible to delete and sort messages. Finally, they also like to be free of targeted advertising when they exchange emails with their friends.

Choose a brand Professional - Outlook - one for public service, does not it weird?

On the contrary, I even think it's a great idea, but I am biased (laughs). Why do we do that? Our use of technology has changed: people no longer speak of what they use for work or at home. Now, they wonder what it must be used to accomplish a specific task. Before, we had a home phone and a pro. Today, we no longer have a camera. We are moving towards a world in which technology we use includes all our lives.
And through the mail, yes, most people who have used Outlook did so as part of their work. But people like Outlook and they know it is the mail client from Microsoft. This is, in fact, an obvious choice.

This sign also the end of Hotmail webmail historic ...

Many will keep the flame of Hotmail by continuing to use their address in hotmail.com if they wish. But yes, we will remove the service when we are sure to have a Outlook.com perfect and that all user accounts have been upgraded. Besides, you know another brand that was number one in the world, the most famous in its class, which was subsequently withdrawn? I think it's a great decision, but we'll see!

The ads are unobtrusive but for now what form will they take in the future?

We will have to run ads, but they will be nicely integrated into the product. It will not be as flashy banners on Hotmail, they will be more subtle, not animated. They must be relevant and help the user, not disrupt it. And we do not want to read the contents of e-mails from our users. We do not need to display personalized ads and relevant, and then we are just starting. The address of the sender, for example, can already tell us.

Outlook.com, webmail who wants us to forget Gmail

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