Sony Xperia acro S (Pictures)

Sony Xperia acro S (Pictures)

Sony Xperia acro S (Pictures)

Sony Xperia acro S (Pictures)

Sony Xperia acro S (Pictures)

Sony Xperia acro S (Pictures)

Sony Xperia acro S (Pictures)

Sony Xperia acro S (Pictures)

Sony Xperia acro S (Pictures)
Picture-perfect and powerful HD Android phone

enjoy TV shows, movies and your own video clips in magnificent HD. View in razor sharp clarity on the 4.3” Reality Display with Mobile BRAVIA® Engine.

Want it all to happen instantly? Then you’ll like the power of the Xperia acro S 1.5 GHz dual core processor. Surf your stuff, launch apps and catch that YouTube clip lightning fast.
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